Your New Audio Guide to the Dark Side of Global Economics

Dear friend,

I'm thrilled to announce that the audiobook version of my latest work, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, 3rd Edition: China's EHM Strategy; Ways to Stop the Global Takeover, is now available! This edition delves into the dangerous game being played by China and the US, as their economic hit men (EHMs) strategies lead us towards global catastrophe.

However, there is hope. This book not only exposes these threats, but more importantly it offers a strategy to turn this into the greatest opportunity we humans have experienced.

Find out how you can be a part of this exciting change by purchasing the audiobook now —

For a sneak peek, watch the short trailer about the book by clicking here.

You are a vital member of our global community of changemakers. Together we will make the transition.

With deep appreciation,


John Perkins


Ending the “Immigration Problem”


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